The real core are these independent talented struggling, starving bands that put their hearts and soul and their hard earned cash onto a teeny bit of plastic for us to enjoy. let us support them by buying their creativity. Fuck you all gate crashers and to those promoters that exploit bands fuck you too! And to the so called D.I.Y. shame on you please have a sense of decency not to use the word if you do not really knew what that meant.
Armed with inspiration and the sense of Filipino Pride within me I am doi
ng another Bisikleta Productions yes folks we are back and we are taking over! entitled RUDE MAYNILA the name came upon when I was in Lion City after watching a couple of gigs one was at a great local record shop in Bali Lane called Straits Records and one at Bugis at a band rehearsal studio featuring some of the finest hardcore bands this Country has to offer which by the way boasted Bulacancore legends T.S.A. an all pinoy hardcore band based there and the guest band that came from our native land CHOKE COCOI which left the locals black and blue from the brutal ear splitting assault these all female group had offered, that my friend is brown pride for ya'll!. Inspired from what I've seen I told to myself that I gotta do this back home start another riot.

Anyway enough of my senseless blabbering RUDE MAYNILA will be held at TEN 02 Bar & Resto on August 30, Saturday at 8PM. Which was coincidentally owned and operated by the baddest and rudest girl that graced the stage former Put3ska and Brownbeat All Stars vocalist Myra AKA Jazz Chanteuse Skarlet and his hubby Marvin of Bad Burn which boasted some of the heaviest, tuffest and ruffest bands from Metro Manila and its nearby provinces. Featuring Pampanga's best (no pun intended) MARCOS CRONIES these lads are skanking the culinary part of the country for quite sometime now. Besides sweets from Bulacan these rudeboys from Pulilan called PULIKATS can quite pack a punch. And from the south side of Manila comes BARRIO MORNING GLORY with their brand of 3rd wave ska and Pasig 2 tone torch bearers and Club Ska Manila & SkaMax alumnis STEADY MOVIN' BEAT and from The Mandalondon Crew, these skinhead reggae enthusiast ROCKET PUNCH bringing you a hammond infused dirty skinhead reggay true to the upsetters and Manila's very own ska punkers PINK COW with their brand of ska punk ala Operation Ivy and last but not the least Skaville Malabon's EARTHLINGS with their brand of neo trad ska and rocksteady beats completing the line up are the boss dee jays from Angono The mighty SOUND BLASTERS serving up tasty bits of ska, rocksteady, reggae, punk rock and mod tunes on the ones and t
Please support the local scene by paying you dues do not gate crash for a measely sum of 50 bucks you'll get to hear some of best ska bands in town plus get an ice cold beer in return for that 50 bucks in your pocket. Beg, Borrow or Steal but please enough of the gate crashing and that "Pare pasok mo naman ako" look nakapunta ka dito bat di mo kaya makapasok by paying up? if you do not like the way we operate well then fuck you! Anyway hope to see you all there at Skarlet's bar on the 30th of August and lets all have a skanking good time.

Please support the local scene by paying you dues do not gate crash for a measely sum of 50 bucks you'll get to hear some of best ska bands in town plus get an ice cold beer in return for that 50 bucks in your pocket. Beg, Borrow or Steal but please enough of the gate crashing and that "Pare pasok mo naman ako" look nakapunta ka dito bat di mo kaya makapasok by paying up? if you do not like the way we operate well then fuck you! Anyway hope to see you all there at Skarlet's bar on the 30th of August and lets all have a skanking good time.
By the way a Bisikleta Productions website is on the works and it will feature an offshoot label that caters ska and punk rock if you think you know what it takes to be on our ship please do send your demo's to this address 2006, 3rd Floor Karangalan Village Phase II-A, Pasig City or email me at hilraymundo@yahoo.com
From top to bottom left side: Marcos Cronies, Steady Movin' Beat, Rocket Punch, Earthlings, Barrio Morning Glory and Pulikats. From right side: Choke Cocoi doing some serious damage at Singapore.