Monday, September 20, 2010


After the much applauded PiliSkaPinas' 2nd Manila Ska Fest its seems that people cant get enough of the skanking rhythms that reverberated at Cubao X last September 4th, still fresh from their hang over from that shindig people trooped down and swarmed in at Sazi's bar last September 11th to attend The Rude Maynila Sessions to get their monthly dose of ska, punk rock and oi!

Present that evening were regulars and newbies anxious to see and hear the featured bands for this month as new band hailing from Cavite City, Finger Trap opened up the nights festivities as they deliver their own brand of 3rd wave ska to the masses the band has chops considering its been only a month or so since their formation.

Next to be on stage were Bulacan based street punk band Tartars formed during the late 90s this band had gone through several line up changes and usually when this happen some of the music that the band dishes out are lackluster. but despite the changes the band still packed a wallop and retain its intensity the skinheads in attendance can attest to that with raised fist and football chant like sing along.

I cant keep track of the bands that was on stage because i was all over the place trying to keep things in place and taking care of the door so i can not give you readers a blow by blow account of what transpired that evening but all i knew is that The GoSignals rocked the house! I had heard their new originals and it was fucking magnificent. Better watch out for their upcoming album hopefully to be released this year so lets keep our fingers crossed.

Tagaytay based ska band GoForTheGoat did an awesome set that the crowd started to haul their ass from their seats and started to skank and Francis from PinkCow got too drunk and was unable to play the guitars and do the vocal choir resulting to a microphone for all melee and uncontrollable all girls body slam and pushing on the part of the female crowd so i had to cut short PinkCow's set.

Anyway here are the pictures from the last Rude Maynila Sessions taken by Michael Alvin Gianan. This coming October 9 at Sazi's Bar we will be featuring NEIGHBORS, G2 & THE BOONDOCKS, MOBSTER MANILA, THE MIGHTY KIDS, EARTHLINGS, COUNT KUTU & THE BALMERS, TARTARS, THE PINSTRIPED REBELS and possibly the band that's composed of former members of The Sex Militants, Deceased and Put3ska will be playing in the next Rude Maynila Sessions so see y'all there.